Updated 8/20 below in red! I was preparing for my usual grocery run when I came across a great blog about money saving (and tons more) here and I thought I would use her format for grocery shopping/meal planning. It is well organized and neat! I also can share it with you guys each week if I do it this way. My only concern was
Monday’s MST: Eating Out on a Budget
We love eating out, but as you know, it can get quite pricey and adds up quick! Ryan and I have always managed to eat out, even with our strict budget. I mean it’s hard to eat all 21 meals of the week at home. Plus with a little one, I prefer to not spend my time cleaning the kitchen three times (and more) a
Baby Food: Should You Buy or Make?
An important decision mothers make is whether or not to make their baby’s food or buy it already made from the store. Before I even had Beckham, I knew I wanted to make his food. I knew it was nutritionally better and financially cheaper. That’s what I was told and what I had read. I knew I would be a full-time mom by the time
Monday’s Money Saving Tip: B-U-D-G-E-T!
MONEY is a huge concern in our nation. Do you know that the Bible speaks of money more than 800 times? Do you know that 70% of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck? Are you tired of the get-rich schemes? Do you want to have financial freedom? If so, please take a minute to get a pad and pen so that you can take some notes. I wish the
Living the Simple Life thanks to…
DAVE RAMSEY and my wonderful husband who took the time and effort to research and implement Dave’s money makeover tactics! This is my first “financial” post since deciding to use my blog to help others become debt free and not just to read about my adorable baby! Haha! I’ve been asked numerous times about how we paid off debt, so I thought I’d finally blog
Mid Year Resolutions
It’s June and I have finally slowed down enough to make some “New Year Resolutions.” I always have a “to do” list going so one of my main resolutions is to organize my entire house! And when I say organize, I really mean organize. If you know me well, you know I am often referred to as “Monica” on Friends. Yep, and I love it!
Price Matching REALLY Does Save Money!
So I know Walmart is not the most favorite place to go for everyone, but I’ve done my research people, and the only thing you really pay for at other stores is “the environment.” Quality is not that much better at others stores (trust me I’ve shopped at ALL the stores). Now there are one or two items that you can find better at other