A little late in posting this, but it’s crazy around here…mostly just me that is crazy! This pregnancy has made me want to redecorate and organize my entire house. Have you read the book, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie? I’ve always joked that I’m exactly like that mouse in the story…one thing always leads to the next. Anyway, here’s an update! I remember last pregnancy saying that the baby was growing out of my back. I feel the exact same way this time too…I must carry that way! I swear my back as grown wider and further out…attractive 🙂 And I have a feeling this baby is going to come early…earlier than Beckham did (he was 11 days early). Just a feeling.
How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 13 pounds total (0 pounds this week)
How big is baby? Size of a cauliflower. He knows which way is up and which way is down. He’s growing more hair and fat too! I feel like this baby is big and has some killer kicks!
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep? Sleep great once asleep. I am so tired though…SOOOO tired! I’m not treating my body with enough sleep, but it’s just impossible right now with a toddler, a business, and a home to manage!
Fitness? I cringe every time I answer this question! Nope! No energy to workout…I’m going to look for a home DVD this week.
Best moment this week? Is it bad that I’m struggling to answer this? I love seeing him move around! I love him!
Miss anything? More and more each day! General moving around. Miss being skinnier…I really miss this. Having more energy.
Food cravings? Yogurt.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No. But I’m getting full very easy.
Current Symptoms? The very top of my spine is hurting EXACTLY like it did with B. Heartburn. Getting harder to move around.
Belly button in or out? I think I should officially say it’s more outward, especially after a meal.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood? Extremely hormonal. Tired!
I love my little handsome 2 year old!
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