Some of this week overlaps last week’s post. These weeks are going by fast! Too fast…I really want to savor this time with B and I feel like I’m rushed to get ready for another baby. Or maybe it’s because he keeps me super busy and time is flying.
Day 78: Went shopping!
Day 79: Ryan and I met with a CPA to talk taxes…Ryan is so smart! Listening to him talk financially is crazy awesome!
Day 80: Checking out some books at the library!
Day 81: Mexican food with fam! He loves his rice and beans!
Day 82: Celebrating Nonnie’s 88th birthday!
Day 83: Snack time! Yay for watermelon season.
Day 84: Boys having fun at the park! My friend, Brittany, met us at the park for a little afternoon play date! The weather was great!
Just a few more from last week since many of them were part of my Spring Break post:
I prepped the heck out of food on Sunday night! Convenience is key for me right now, but boy did this take some work.
Still this is one of Beckham’s favorite meals to this day! My crock pot beans! Click HERE for recipe! I like to pair this with rice, make quesadillas with it, or wrap them up in a burrito with rice, cheese, cilantro, lettuce, etc. We had this with cornbread (w/ creamed corn) and cantaloupe.
When we were at the park, Beckham started covering his eyes and counting to 10. Once he got to 10, he said “ready go” like he was playing “hide and seek.” I have no idea where he learned this, but it’s really cute.
Ryan started doing push-ups at night and now Beckham has to get his 10 in! He counts them down and all. He’ll say “Beckham’s turn” and then “mommy’s turn.” I tried a couple the other day and whoa…way to hard on my tummy! It’s probably the cutest thing I’ve seen though, watching him do “push-ups.”
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