It’s snowing here in Texas today and B still had school today! I was kind of shocked…if you you’re from Texas, you know that a single flurry that comes from the sky usually means all schools and businesses shut down. Lol. Mainly because it’s usually ICE. This is actually puffy snow that blows away on the main roads. Anyway, I needed these few hours to work so I’m glad schools weren’t cancelled. Here’s what was happening last week via my Instagram (@oliviacaitlinsnyder), plus a few more pics.
Day 29: Cuddling after nap. These moments take away the times he destroys the entire house and I want to pull my hair out. God is so smart how he creates toddlers – that awkward disobedient stage that makes you think you shouldn’t be a parent, while at the same time, being super cute and sweet!
Day 30: Have to have a clean office to work efficiently. It’s amazing what a clear, organized space can do…a latte and my scentsy warmer on make it even better. I LOVE working in a calm place. Even my classroom at school was like this. Actually my classroom was even more organized than my house because I didn’t have to share it with another person 😉 I was in control of the room.
Day 31: THE most exciting day of 2014 so far! I just opened my package to pull out my new Erin Condren planner! It came a little early. I have been dying to have this planner for almost 2 years now, but was hesitant because it’s kind of pricey. Finally I realized, I’m in my planner multiple times a day, I already spend at least $15-30 on a planner anyway, I’m an organizing freak, and I knew it would make me happy. I’ve worked hard over the last 2 years to start my own business AND be a stay-at-home-mom…two passions of mine. I treated myself to it! I’ll post soon about this planner!
Day 32: Reality = red sucker before breakfast at 11am on Saturday. One of our favorite things to do when Ryan is home is go to breakfast! I’m pretty sure B was throwing a tantrum and we gave him this to get in the car. Reality people. We also asked ourselves when we were at the restaurant, “Why do we even try to go out to eat anymore?” It was that kind of morning.
Day 33: My blinding white legs and feet getting treated nicely. It’s been over 2 months since a pedicure! I get these once a month and they are worth every penny. I tell Ryan that every time I come home from a pedicure…”Ryan, pedicures are worth every single dollar I spend on them. I will never give them up.” Some things we just accept about our spouses.
Day 34: Quiet morning eating breakfast while my car gets inspected. Thank goodness McDonalds was just down the sidewalk. I HAD to get my car inspected (I’m way too afraid to drive with it expired and get pulled over…did you know I’ve never been pulled over?). It was freezing outside, but we bundled up and strolled down to McDonalds to eat breakfast and play for 1-2 hours. No kids were there…it was quiet and peaceful! Lots of old people eating there though…I thought it was really cute and I pictured Ryan and I having breakfast as an old retire couple! I can’t wait!
Day 35: Missed him today. I LOVE picking him up from pre-school. It’s only a few hours, but I miss him every time! This was his “cheese” face. My little buddy…I love him!
Here are a few more from last week that are blog worthy:
This kid is into selfies…oh geez!
Why not play inside a box?
Beckham thought me posing like this for my “19 week update” was hilarious. Here he is trying to mimic my pose.
2 years old – First time trying corn on the cob. He wasn’t a fan…I should’ve known, he hates corn.
I’m over this cold weather! I had to move Beckham’s heater into the kitchen office where I was working just to stay somewhat warm…and I still couldn’t feel my feet!
Ha – I found this picture just now…I’m strapping him in and he’s taking a picture.
Hope you have a great week!
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Lauryn Roth says
i love a nice office space too!!! he is sooo cute!!!
Stevie says
Adorable! Dave Ramsey…I know you recommend the total money makeover book. They're having a sale and I'm trying to figure out if I should get his starter bundle special or all in one value pack? I've purchased other books and we're on our way, but I always hear good things about Dave! Do you have any thoughts?! Thank you!