How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 1 pound total (1 pound gain this week)
How big is baby? Size of an onion. Bones are hardening. Fat is starting to accumulate. Fingerprints are one of a kind already.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep? Sleeping soundly. Dreaming a lot.
Fitness? Yay! I actually worked out this week. Once. But hey, I got to the gym and Beckham didn’t cry! Am definitely going more. I lifted weights, walked, and did the elliptical. My upper body wasn’t too sore, so I plan to hit that a little harder. As for my lower body…I couldn’t feel my legs.
Best moment this week? Getting to hear the heartbeat.
Miss anything? Fasting. I feel like I need a good fast to clean my system out, but obviously that’s not a good idea.
Food cravings? Soda, soda, soda. It’s disgusting. If I do have it, I limit it to one a day. Specifically, a Sonic vanilla coke/diet coke. I craved juicy hamburgers a lot this week. Really wish I would crave a salad!
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Current Symptoms? I’ve been getting headaches often, like I’ve mentioned before. The caffeine seems to help a little. I’ve also had to lay down and take a power nap during the day (usually evening) if Ryan happens to be home. Naps are not good for a night owl…ugh.
Belly button in or out? In. But for the record, I’m pretty sure my last pregnancy messed it up…it’s wider on my right side (like stretched out). Weird, I know.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood? Nesting. Not really sure that’s a mood, but I never really even nested with B. We had a back up room though before. Once this baby gets here, every room will be used! No room for junk!
17 Weeks Pregnancy #2 Update
Let me just start off by saying that I do NOT like these photos. I wanted to take more photos today, but was too lazy to get into something other than a sweatshirt and yoga pants. 4 things I learned after this week’s photos:
1. Do not wear white in the winter (I’m sorry if I blind you with my pale skin) or against a white door…duh!
2. Sunday mornings are probably the worst days to take weekly progress pictures. The devil attacks us on Sunday mornings (the Sabbath). Beckham literally wakes up in the worst mood, doesn’t want to get clothes on, and fusses until we get in the car to go to church. And we’re always running late. Not only is it the first day of a new week for my pregnancy, but it’s the only day I know Ryan will be home, so it really is the only day to do them. Evenings I look 40 weeks pregnant so I’m not going there 🙂
3. I don’t think I like this shirt anymore! I literally changed the second I saw the photos.
4. I’ve never been more motivated to workout! I know I’m being hard on myself, but I’m simply speaking the truth!
17 weeks! I went to the doctor last Tuesday for my 16 week appt. and all looked great! This week starts the measuring of the stomach at each visit. Heartbeat was 156. That’s the lowest it’s been since the beginning, which makes sense (it lowers after the first several weeks). Whether boy or girl, my babies have high heartbeats! My stomach actually FEELS pregnant now…meaning I feel like I ate a huge meal all the time. Let me tell you that my bump is way different this time around…poking out way more! And by this time last pregnancy, I had already felt Beckham move. I haven’t “officially” felt the baby move yet. I’ll feel a flutter every now and then, but nothing that makes me stop and say, “that’s it!” It might be because I’m running after a toddler and not sitting much. Looking forward to feeling baby move! It’s one of the best parts of pregnancy.
Sorry this pics are a little blurry (reason #2 above)
An Instagram pic (@oliviacaitlinsnyder) from this week that is much more flattering! Have you had this salad at Chick-fil-a (Asian Chicken)? It’s delicious!
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Sara says
my belly button is weird too-mine never popped out with either pregnancy, but now it is misshapen 🙂
Heather Braoudakis says
Congrats. You've had your baby by now, but I love the detailed progress posts. Such a great way to journal your memories. I've read some week by week books and looked up blogs because I love the baby bonding/developmental information. I just started reading a book I think blows all the others away, and great for every pregnancy, not just the first. It's called “The Wonder Within You: celebrating your baby’s journey from conception to birth” by Carey Wickersham. It’s an awesome combination of week-to-week pregnancy information, what’s going on with the baby, “Did you know?” plus health advice about what to eat, cravings, nutrition, etc, BUT also with awesome 3D/4D pictures and videos you can link or QR with your phone to and see what your baby looks like at each week stage. Even better than the typical week-to-week books, and so personal! It’s got mom stories and even a journal/note section to write your personal memories and letters to your baby. The pregnancy information is as up-to-date as it gets and it’s such a great keepsake. I want to get one for everybody I know who is expecting! I highly recommend it!