It’s pretty much always crazy around here, especially now that Ryan is so busy with basketball games. I’m slowly figuring out ways to make the evening smoother with a toddler and baby. Beckham turns 3 next week and he’s very excited. He has been told that they don’t make diapers for 3 year olds and that “the doctor” is going to tell him he has to stop sucking his thumb. Ohmyword this boy needs to go on the potty seat! He has gone several times (mostly pee), but simply does not want to on a regular basis. And yes, we’ve done underwear only…peed in them. We tried the naked approach…just peed on the floor. I’ve bribed him, but he says “I go in my diaper.” Well okay. Gonna give it another shot over break when he doesn’t have to go to school and Ryan is home.
Day 309: Wednesday we hung out at the house. If one of them is not crying then it’s a good photo.
Day 310: On Thursday, my morning started off on a high note. I dropped B off at school, grabbed my favorite drink at a local coffee shop, talked with my best friend from high school for a long time, and played with this guy! Afterwards, met Ryan for lunch. Totally unproductive day, but it was fun.
We hung out in the backyard a bit after school. B played in sandbox and M cuddled with me! I’m sad it’s so cold now…he’s so calm outside.
Day 311: On Friday, Ryan was gone, so I took the boys to Chick-fil-a for dinner. Cooking or preparing something while he is gone is pure torture, so I try and give myself a break once a week. I snapped this picture of the sunset and thought about how much I love city sunsets.
Day 312: Saturday morning hanging out! He said he’d smile for “trick or treat” which is candy. I had a baby shower that day to go, so I dropped B off with my mom at her school (it’s closer and he could play there) and took Maddox. We ate dinner with them afterwards. I have no pics though 🙁
Day 313: Since Ryan is gone every morning except Sunday, we booked our Fall pictures with my brother, Logan. I wanted to do them in the morning since that’s pretty much the only time Maddox is happy. This was after our session…he’s flexing his muscles in this pic, but still holding tight to “Buppy.”
I went grocery shopping Sunday afternoon with Beckham and when I looked at my cart, that’s when decided we have to get B potty trained. I’ve slowly ditched the name brand diapers. FYI, these are great if you need an inexpensive diaper.
Day 314: I crack up every time I see this. I told Beckham to go say hi to “brother” while I finished up something in the kitchen (he just woke from nap). I come in and find this. Poor guy.
Speaking of poor guy…this dude has been chewing on everything!!! He might be teething, but I don’t expect a tooth for a while. Beckham did the same thing around 4 months and didn’t show a tooth till 10 months.
After I rescued Maddox from the bed, I vacuumed his room. I tell you what…these boys are going to know how to vacuum. I do it at least once a day (thank you white carpets) and they love to sit there and watch.
Day 315: It was FREEZING on Tuesday, so we came home from school and had hot cocoa and watched a movie. Yes, I realize there is an enormous amount of marshmallows. I didn’t mean to put that many in, but eh. This was his first cup ever of hot chocolate. He pretty much just ate the marshmallows.
Later that night we ate dinner with this big guy in his high chair. He’s getting so big! Yay!
Beckham reminded me we needed to say our prayers (mom fail…I forgot). How sweet is this?! I have a cute video of it on my Instagram (@olivia_snyderstellall). And if I’m being honest, later that night was a disaster…this “sweet” boy kept coming out of his room and I finally lost it (he woke up M in the process). I do many days and nights by myself and I’m usually okay, but being with them all day really wears me down by 9:00pm (remember this is when I START work for my shop). Jesus is my big time homeboy lately! I’ve had to chat with him often and still don’t do it enough.
We will continue to keep warm this next week. I’m preparing for a fun Christmas month in December. First up, a birthday party and Thanksgiving. This is the best time of the year!
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Sara says
Potty training is hard and each kid is totally different. We waited with our oldest until he woke up from naps dry-so I knew he could hold it long enough and be somewhat in control. He was totally down with it and was fairly simple. Our youngest (also a boy)-I can already tell he's going to be way harder. He loves to hide when he poos and has done that from the moment he was semi mobile. The bribe of underwear will probably not be enough for him. Good luck! 🙂
kimm atwood says
Keepin it real girl…love it. And those boys are so sweet!!!