So this might be an awkward topic, but our pastor talked openly about it at church so I figure I can blog about it 🙂 This is simply points he mentioned, coming from my mouth. I said I was going to talk about health, nutrition, teaching, and my faith on this blog, so here is my first “faith” post. I’m very passionate about this topic since I’ve learned so much about how to “keep sex sexy” (aka…the right way to have sex) and since so very few do this. Plain and simple: God is the creator of sex and he tells us to enjoy it within the confines of marriage! If somebody created a new medicine, but told you exactly when to use it, would you use at any other time? NO because you know that the BEST time to use it for the maximum results would be how the designer told you to. If you do not use it according to directions, it might be great at first, but could have big consequences later. I think of NyQuil in this comparison. I freaking love that stuff, but if I took it more than twice a day or when I’m not sick, I could have long term effects!
It’s so hard for people to “keep sex sexy” because you might wonder why does God want us to “wait in pain”, but trust God…He WILL reward you. Don’t you think the creator of sex would want you to enjoy the “product” he created? Also, and this is mostly directed towards the young teens I know, if that special someone really loves you, they will wait! If they won’t, RUN! There are SO many more consequences than benefits to premarital sex. 50 % of first marriages end in divorce, 67% of second marriages end in divorce, and 72% of third marriages end in divorce. Premarital sex has a lot to do with it!
If you think this post is slightly “too private” for public talk, that might be an issue! Sin is sin, but it’s the worst sin you can do to your body!
Bottom line: Leave it to the Creator to decide when best to have sex for maximum results! And parents, talk about sex with your kid openly! The more you hide it, the more your kids will!
If you’re feeling like “oh crap, I’ve already made that mistake,” the awesome thing is, that creator of sex is a God of forgiveness and grace! True forgiveness means you completely turn from that sin. I love that our God is so amazing and FORGIVES! He really does rock!
“Keep Sex Sexy” ~Ed Young
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