This is a little late, but… This last week was LONG. Ryan was gone for half of it and I got sick. But on the bright side, I got a lot done.
Day 141: Here is a sneak peak of the nursery. On Wednesday, my mom came over and REALLY helped me clean out this room and get it organized. She also went with me to Target and bought several items for the nursery. Aren’t moms the best!?! This is all before she took B for 2 nights to stay with her! My mom is a teacher and just started her summer “comp time” (I don’t say “summer break” because it’s comp time for teachers for the several hundred hours they put in overtime during the year…and don’t get paid for). I need to spray paint the owls white (well, someone else will do it) and add a changing pad to the dresser. We will keep the swing in the living room, but it’s sitting in there for now.
Day 142: I have been dying to get these in the mail ever since I ordered them! I got an infection the night before and felt like crud on this day, but I managed to get these tree decals up on the wall. I bought them from In An Instant Art on Etsy. Reasonably priced, great quality, and easy to apply…just what I was looking for!
Day 143: On Friday, little man came back after being away 2 nights with my parents. It was so good to see him! It was the longest he’d been away. Ryan was officially gone from sun up to sun down and didn’t come back till Monday afternoon.
Day 144: Playing in the yard on Saturday! Love those little teeth!
Day 145: On Sunday, we went over to my parents house (I seriously need help when Ryan is gone this late in my pregnancy). We went to eat and his cousin is teaching him bad habits 🙂 Whipped cream on his nose.
Day 146: On Monday, Ryan came home just after lunch and it was REALLY good to have him back home. B loves reading with him!
Day 147: Just a couple days ago on Tuesday, it hit me that this baby could be here in a couple of weeks and I have NOTHING ready for the hospital. My water broke with pregnancy #1 at 38 weeks unexpectedly (was scheduled for a c-section a few days later) and I was literally packing stuff into a bag at my house, while trying to get a hold of my doctor, calling Ryan to come back home (he was in Houston), and trying to stay calm. Needless to say, I didn’t really feel too prepared. The good thing is, I know that the hospital really does have most of what you need anyway. And I’m preparing for a SHORT hospital stay compared to last time (crossing my fingers).
Some more pictures from the week:
It’s swim season in Texas (the pool is the only way to stay cool in the summer). Apparently, Beckham is scared of water being splashed on him (sprinklers, splash pad, etc…). Great!
I’ve been making this smoothie for him lately! Below are the ingredients (1 cup water, spoonful of flax seeds and chia seeds, 2 spoonfuls of Greek yogurt, 1 banana, about 6 frozen strawberries, about a cup of frozen spinach). In the pic below, I added a few pineapple pieces and frozen blueberries!
Beckham sorted by colors!
What does he do with crayons? Peels the paper off of each and every one. Fine motor skills right? 🙂
He knows how to put on his sandals by himself! Very helpful!
B loves his cousin’s chair! Love these two!
This is the story of my life lately! About 4 hours into my day and my feet start to swell to the point I think they are going to explode. I am most looking forward to de-swelling after the baby comes! I do not wear pregnancy well, especially in the last several weeks!
Sorry to end with my feet picture…as a matter of fact, here’s a couple more to end with instead. B at my parents house having fun!
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Lauryn Roth says
aww so exciting!!!! the nursery is so cute!!!