I love the start of a new year! I did a lot of reading last year of ways to become more productive and run a home well! And I finally feel like I’m starting to REALISTICALLY understand what will help me be a better wife, mom, homemaker, and Christ-follower.
2015 was a roller coaster of emotions and experiences and I’m excited to keep a more steady pace in 2016. I’m always wanting to improve in all areas of my life, but 3 areas are really important to me this year: My faith. My health. My homemaking.
If those things are somewhat in order (at least striving towards that), I’m a much more content person, which then makes me a much better wife and mom!
So this year, my focus will be on those 3 things. If I had to focus on two words this year they would be…
In all that reading I did last year, I’ve learned that being productive all starts with habits! Let’s just say since the birth of Beckham 4 years ago, I have felt more in survival mode than anything else. I’m sure some of you other moms can relate as well. I will really focus on forming habits this year. I’d like to tackle 2-3 habits a month, but I’m not sure that’s realistic.
Another thing I read about habit forming was to do something called “habit stack.” It’s where you introduce a new habit you want to keep along side another habit you already do daily. For example, when you brush your teeth in the morning (a daily habit), you could also remember to take your multivitamin right before, by keeping your vitamins next to your toothbrush or on the counter. That is just an example, but you get the point.
I also want to scale back and have a more simplistic approach to things. This goes for all areas…finances (it’s so much harder to budget when you make tons of purchases), meals, social stuff, mom groups, my home, etc. Another phrase for this could be “Just Say No.” Jen Hatmaker shared something her agent told her about saying no,,, “if it is not a hell yes, then it’s a no.” Sounds kind of harsh, but if I’m not pumped to go or regretting saying yes, I shouldn’t be going. I’m actually not that bad at this, but I definitely think hard before I commit because I rather say no now than back out later.
Each year on January 1, Ryan and I write out our goals for the year and look back on our previous year’s. It’s fun and we’ve been doing it for the past 5 years. I like to write out some general goals I’d like accomplished by the end of the year,but as y’all know, I also do monthly goals to focus on a few at a time. Here are my 2016 goals:
1. Love the house I’m in – I’ve selfishly wanted to move for a couple of years now, but that just isn’t in the cards right now. I’ve been in this house since I was 22 and A LOT has changed since then. We’ve added 2 humans to the mix, my style is completely different, and I know exactly what I want/need in a home. Regardless, we are in this house and it’s a perfectly good home. So I’ve decided to love the house I’m in and continue to make it a home! I’ll be doing this in a lot of different ways I’ll share below.
2. Build my blog and start my own website – You’re probably tired of hearing me talk about this, but my goal is to make my blog more professional, which will include a shop tab to my own site. I currently sell via Etsy (which I love) and I’ve read countless articles that advise getting your own site in addition since Etsy technically owns your business. There are some other benefits as well. And to do this, would include switching to WordPress and doing a redesign. I’d also like to commit to blogging at least 2 times a week.
3. Find a home church – If you’re new here, our church of 8 years decided to close its doors (it was a satellite campus), so we are currently looking in the area. We are getting closer to our decision and narrowing it down. There are TONS of churches where I live so this process is pretty hard.
4. Sign Beckham up for soccer – He just turned 4 and that kid needs to burn energy like none other, so I feel sports will definitely start this year. I’m still undecided if it will be Spring or Fall though. If there were a 4 year old track team, I’d sign him up for that 🙂
5. Nail down a cleaning routine – I’m actually really excited about this. I think I like cleaning a little too much. I found a routine schedule (the zone method). By the end of the year, I’d like to have this down as a habit. The first couple of months might be more decluttering than cleaning. If this becomes a habit, the entire house will be deep cleaned every 7 weeks! That’s my kind of clean! I’ve been watching every video on YouTube from How Jen Does It and I find her very inspiring. I will take back my home this year 🙂
6. Cook more at home, but make simple meals – I’m kind of a foodie and when I meal plan, I plan with that mindset, instead of the reality that sets in at dinner time: slave over a meal full of ingredients (while my 1.5 year old cries and pulls my leg to be picked up) only to throw some stupid chicken nuggets in the oven so they will have something to eat after refusing to eat what I made (mainly Maddox). When they’re a little bit older, mama won’t be so accommodating, but for now, I just want them to eat.
7. Exercise – This is probably one of my most die-hard goals as I’ve never not been active in some way. The last few months, I’ve completely stopped working out. And I feel disgusting. Exercise is important to me in order to eat right. I’m an all or nothing type person so if I’m not working out, what’s the point of eating healthy? Which is the dumbest mindset ever. I plan to go to the gym 3 times a week and work out at home with some videos. I do not like working out at home, but getting to the gym with kids is pretty difficult. I’d love to run when the weather gets nicer.
8. Teach Beckham to write his name and read CVC words – He has already started writing most of his name with some help, so I assume he’ll independently write his name in the next few months. I plan on having him read CVC words (ex. log) by December, but only doing this naturally and seeing how he grasps it. We’ll just do this by first learning sounds of letters (which he knows most of them already) and then practice blending them. I’ll point them out as we read each night.
9. Vacation – I would love to take a trip with Ryan, one with the kids too, and possibly one with my family (this is being talked about as we speak…it would be in place of Christmas on my family’s side). Ryan and I haven’t been on a vacation (something we did a lot before kids) since August 2011. I finally feel comfortable leaving the kiddos with family. It wouldn’t be long or expensive, but I’d love to get back to taking a vacation here and there with him (even if it’s nearby).
10. Daily Devotional and Bible Reading – My goal is to read, preferably in the morning, from my Savor Devotional and read some from Psalms and Proverbs each day. I decided to do this Savor book as my devotional. I also am using this One Year Reading Plan, but doing half of it (the Psalm and Proverbs part). Next year, I hope to do the other half. I have find that when I bite off more than I can chew, I get behind quickly and then fail. Reading the Bible in one year is difficult (possible, but has to be well thought out and planned). Plus, I like to really dive into those words instead of just read them.
11. Become “More” of a Morning Person – Statistics show that most successful people wake up early and I am the antithesis of a morning person. I come alive at night and can sleep in till 10 or 11 if I could. I do get a lot done at night, but I feel like my mornings with my kids are not how I’d like them to be. Plus, I don’t get a lot of sleep which is hurting my health in different ways. I honestly don’t know how to tackle this goal, but I have to include it. If you remember last year’s goals, I failed this miserably. I used the word “more” above because I don’t think this happens overnight, but I’d like to get up before my kids and get a few things done.
12. Tackle House Projects – In relation to my first goal listed above (love the house I’m in), Ryan has agreed to update some things around our house. I’m trying to use the “power of paint” in most projects as it’s a more affordable way to redecorate, plus our house could use a good coat of new paint. We are not DIY people so most of it is cosmetic with a couple of hired jobs. In the plans as of now is…
-Repaint and decorate both bathrooms
-Repaint master bedroom
-Install wood flooring in the living room (and possibly kitchen)
-Kitchen remodel (hired out job): Paint cabinets white, install new backsplash and granite counter tops…we might have to break up this project since this is a pricey project, but I cannot wait for this. The kitchen is where I spend a lot of my day, so this would be amazing.
-Repair or install a new fence outside
-New roof (this is being gifted to us)…it’s not a “fun” project but a necessity.
-Redecorate breakfast nook: this area kills me, so hopefully I can change this up to suit us better
-Refinish/Paint entry buffet table: this is just a fun project and at the bottom of the list, but it needs a new finish badly…it’s a good table (it’s really a dresser) so I don’t want to replace it.
-Frame windows with crown molding: I saw some DIY posts about this and I’d like to attempt this as I think this would transform the look of our windows.
13. Practice being a “calm” mother – I’m nice, but I sure can get fiery! And if there is one thing that can get a person going it’s kids, especially toddlers (and teenagers, but I don’t have to deal just yet). My boys are very strong willed, which I’m actually thankful for, but it calls for some tough parenting. I’m constantly learning how to best encourage and discipline them. I want them to remember me as a mom who didn’t react, but disciplined (there’s a big difference). B starts Pre-K this year and I’m realizing our gig will be very different next year. I really want to soak it up.
14. Declutter my email – My personal email is out of control and I kind of just want to hit Delete All and start over. Somehow, I need to clean it up and get rid of so many subscriptions.
This year I really want to get my house in order. For me, when my house is in order, I feel like my head is clear to get focused and tackle my days.
This is the devotional and Reading plan I’m using…
In order to accomplish my yearly goals, I like to write specific monthly goals, so here are January’s:
1. Paint and redecorate bathrooms – We’ve already painted, now on to decor. I’m also repainting the baseboards white (they’re an off white and really banged up).
2. Join a gym again & lose 5 pounds – Normally that would sound like a lot, but I gained 6 pounds in the last month so hopefully that should be an easy goal.
3. Look into sports associations in our city – This is all new to me, so I need to look into it this month so I don’t miss the Spring deadline (if we decide to do Spring).
4. Meal plan each week. We eat out on Sunday after church and the kids and I will go (with fam or friends) once during weekend when Ryan’s gone. I meal plan in my planner…my Plum Paper planner is on its way (I ordered late) and I’m really pumped about it. I’ll share it once it arrives.
5. Declutter kitchen and master bedroom – I’m currently following How Jen Does It’s deluttering challenge (we’re on kitchen).
6. Wake up at 7:30 – My plan is to wake up at 7:30 (on non-school days), make coffee, clear counter of any dishes that were drying/unload washer, light a candle, and read my devotional & Bible. Maddox gets up around 8:00/8:15
7. Schedule dentist appointments for Beckham and I.
8. Complete and mail sales tax for business.
9. Start my spreadsheets for 2015 taxes 🙁
10. Email contacts for blog redesign.
So that’s my yearly and monthly goals. Habits, habits, habits for me this year. Do any of you make yearly or monthly goals or have a “word” you like to live by for your goals? Goal setting is one of my favorite things to read on blogs and talk with people about (often I get good ideas for goals).
I’m off to tackle my house today!
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Your yearly goals are awesome- look forward to following your progress this year.
I have several of the same goals and share similar house feelings… I love that our house is paid off, but definitely getting the itch for something different.
Blake that is awesome you have your house paid off! It is going to be hard to take on another mortgage in the future after not having one for so many years. 🙁
It will be soo hard! It is the best feeling to not have a mortgage 🙂 Have a great day!
Thanks for the good, inspiring read this morning!
I'm totally going to look into How Jen Does It because that sounds awesome and I could use some help!
One of my favorite ways I've cut down some time and streamlined our meals/food wasting is with an app called Paprika Recipe Manager. I bought the app for my computer but you can also get a phone version… Here's a quick run down:
You use it as a recipe box with all your recipes. You can categorize them and there's even a "browser" tab to quickly pull all the recipe info from a blog or website. Then you can drag recipes onto a calendar to meal plan. From there you can create a grocery list automatically based on what you have planned out for the week. There's also a "pantry" section where you can add in ingredients you usually have on hand, like spices, so when you are creating the grocery list those items are automatically deselected. There are some other features too but I love love love doing it this way because when plans change it's easy to just drag the recipe to another day without having a calendar of crossed off meals.
Also in the same vein of budgeting being easier when fewer total purchases are made (so with you on that) I have found that having days where I don't go places and don't spend any money period makes a huge difference. It's obviously not possible for every day but on days when it is I just stay home all day which is a win win because I get much more done around the house and don't spend anything!
Happy 2016! Super excited to see what you do with your bathrooms!
Katherine you will love Jen. That app sounds awesome and I will have to check it out for sure. Thanks for all the info. I agree about the purchases…need to stay out of the stores 🙂
Your goals are some of my most favorite to read. Partially because I love how you go into detail instead of just listing the basic of what it is. But also because sometimes I swear you are writing the thoughts directly from my head! My word for the year is calm. Part of that is being a more calm wife and parent (I get fired up FAST!) but also having a calm living environment. As sad as it is, I don't find my house calming or a haven at all. When you wrote "love the house I'm in" it was one of those moments where it was like I was reading my own thoughts. We are in a rental while we get our finances in order and I hate it. It's old, it's outdated, it's not my style… But I need to remember that I am blessed to have a home. And we are abundantly blessed that it is rented from my in-laws at an insanely good rate which is allowing us to pay huge chunks of our debt off much quicker. We are in this rental for (at least) the next 2 years (our current plan will have our debt paid off 2018) so my plan for the year is to ask my in-laws if we can do some cosmetic updates such as paint, baseboards etc.
I can't wait to read about your progress throughout the year 🙂
Shannon, that is really sweet of you to say! Sometimes I feel like my "details" are too boring, but I can't write posts without them…I'm a really detailed person so it is hard to eliminate them. That is tough being in a rental, but paying off that debt is really great and you guys are doing that.
Check out unroll.me to help with email. And when you get a new roof, ask about an upgraded roof that gives you a discount on your homeowners insurance. We were able to get the better roof for not much more and save 23% on our homeowners insurance every year.
I have unroll me and never unroll 🙂 Lol…clearly I'm way behind. Umm, I will for sure tell Ryan about the roof to see if we can get a discount. That is awesome if that is the case. Thanks for the info! I can always count on you for good frugal advice!
Your goals sound great! There are so many that I want to tackle, but I'm trying to only commit to 12 of them this year knowing that I can always revise or do more outside of them. Can't wait to follow how things go with you. 🙂
I think that's smart…sometimes I over plan goals and feel like I've failed because I didn't tackle them all, when in fact, I got a lot accomplished. You're right, you can always add more.
Download the app 'unroll me' .. its saved my life w/ all those unwanted email subscriptions! C
I mentioned this above, but I use this but haven't unrolled from so many…I am doing that tonight…thanks for the reminder!
Love your list of goals. i started cleaning out my inbox too! i had so much junk & newsletters in there. feels good!
I feel like I don't even know where to start….I'm talking over 32,000 unread emails…I'm thinking I should just select all the unread and delete…it's not like I'm going to go back and read them right? 🙂
Yay! Love reading your goals. It always inspires me to think of my own. I can relate to so many of yours! I'm pregnant with our first baby so I have a feeling a lot of the goals I make won't happen as I plan this year but that's ok! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your devotional Savor. I think Erica from A Little Bit of Everything blog is also reading that!
Congratulations Jen! Yes, for me, baby=survival mode so don't feel bad if the only goal accomplished is take care of baby…that's a huge one! I have some friends who go on with life with a newborn, but that ain't me 🙂 Yes, just read Erika's blog and saw she was doing the same devo…how funny…and we didn't even talk with each other beforehand…great minds I guess. Lol. I like it so far! I love food too, so it's a win win! 🙂
I love love love your blog posts! All of them! I have 2 young(3yr & 1yr) boys myself and feel like I relate to everything you are saying. I have been watching The How Jen Does it youtube channel for the past few hours because of this post! I am in love with her channel now and can't wait to try out her tips. Thanks for sharing! I feel so motivated to clean my house now. (the 1yr old found a bowl of spaghetti on the table tonight and the 3yr old helped him throw it all over my freshly washed kitchen floors tonight so the motivation to clean was much needed). Thank you. 🙂
Thank you so much…that is the sweetest compliment. I stayed up way too late watching all her cleaning videos 🙂 I would die if my kids did that after I cleaned my floors! But boys will be boys.
I have the same mindset when it comes to eating healthy and working out!
I love reading everyone's goals, and these are great! I, too, am 100% night owl, but feel pressured to get better about using my mornings. I don't sleep past 7:00 on week days, but I jump right into things that have to be done for the day, rather than getting anything bigger-picture done.
2015 was my first year of setting goals for myself, and while I did only okay with achieving them, I learned a lot that I used to create better goals for this year. Mine are: meditate at least 4 times per week, achieve daily step and stair goals at least five days per week, read 24 books, create and publish a weekly meal plan, have monthly money meetings with my husband, grow 100 pounds of produce in my garden this summer, pay off our remaining car loan, and clean something every day. (I don't have your love of cleaning, so this is a way for me to ensure that progress is made daily.) Good luck in 2016!!
Those sound awesome! Sounds like you got some good goals. Good for you for pushing yourself with the cleaning!
I really enjoy reading your goals! I love how detailed you are with them. I really need to get better about writing everything out. I have 3 girls 5 and under and my youngest is such an early riser (usually wakes up between 5 and 6). I really want to start my day out awake before anyone else but I don't think that's happening any time soon!! How do you like the devotional, Savor? It's in my cart but I haven't pulled the plug and ordered it yet!
Oh gosh…5 or 6am?! I'm sure when she gets a bit older she'll sleep longer…hopefully 🙂 I like the devotional so far. It resonates well with my life so I'm learning and getting motivated each day. The recipes look good too…unfortunately I'm eating low carbs right now, but hopefully I can try a recipe soon.