Day 148: We went to Chick-fil-a on Wednesday and it was a good day for B – he saw the “cow” as soon as we walked in. He calls Chick-fil-a, “cow” so this was big! The cow came over and gave him a stuffed cow to take home. He also got some ice cream after he was done playing. Oh the life of a toddler!
Day 149: On our way to his favorite hang out spot…the mall 🙂 He loves playing with the trains and Legos! And then riding the carousel and eating at “cow.”
Day 150: One of my favorite pictures of these two! Ryan was able to take a quick break and come to CFA with us (yes, we ate CFA 3 days in a row). It’s always fun to see daddy during the day!
Day 151: I love reading, but don’t have much time for it. If I’m going to read, it’s going to be books that are informational, spiritual, or motivational. I read this every night before bed. This is a GREAT book if you have boys, especially for mothers since we are the opposite sex. I’ve already learned a lot! He has one for Raising Girls too.
Day 152: Sunday pic day – 36 weeks! It’s June in Texas and this is the most I will wear to most places. I’m so hot…my feet feel like they’re on fire with all the swelling!
Day 153: I had to make a stop in our downtown on Monday, but was moving really slow with all our errands. Surprisingly, B did amazing while we were out. I let him go at HIS pace, which made our errands take a lot longer, but it was worth it…and I had a happy toddler!
Day 154: On Tuesday, our neighbor showed up at our house with spaghetti, salad, and bread! Ryan told him the day before that I was pregnant and about to have the baby. He showed up and said, “I figured you needed to put your feet up.” It was the sweetest thing ever. Reminded me, we should do more things for our neighbors, especially since I like to bake so much.
His new favorite toy!
Waiting for mommy to finish getting ready!
Legos at the mall!
This is how I do lunches when they’re planned – bring everything, but the chicken nuggets. Save lots of money.
This reminds me that we are having sleep issues with this little man. Naps make him stay awake till 11pm!
B had some kind of cold this week and wanted to sleep ON me.
Another shot at saving money on eating out. This time, I packed his entire lunch and Ryan and I both had a coupon for a free meal at Chick-fil-a, so our entire experience was FREE. Lunch for B – PBJ, fruit, apple sauce pouch, popcorn, granola bar, and juice. He doesn’t really like those apple sauces (first time buying them) and he really didn’t eat the popcorn.
I love mornings with hot coffee and a hot breakfast!
McAlisters lunch date on Monday when we ran errands. I usually don’t go out this much, but we’ve been running around a lot and I also am soaking up our days together before #2 comes!
Had an appt. on Tuesday! Our chubby/HUMONGOUS baby is doing just fine! So excited he is healthy and almost here!
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Lauryn Roth says
sooo exciting!!!!!! yay for chick fila one of my fave places!!! i love to get the calendars at Christmas and then eat free once a month for the whole year, so fun!!