Today’s topic for Blog Everyday in May is “If you couldn’t answer with your job, how would you answer the question, ‘what do you do’?” I’m interpreting this topic to mean “job title.” If I couldn’t reply with my job title I would SIMPLY say:
“I love and take care of my family all day!”
There’s really not enough space in the post to list everything I do throughout the day, but some things I “do” include:
Prepare/Cook 6 meals a day, plus 2 snacks
Read to B
Sing and dance with B
Point out and name every.single.thing
Play/Exercise outside
Teach B everything he can absorb (mostly through play right now)
Watch B soak up every little thing (this is by far the best part)
Change at least 5 diapers a day
Snuggle (another one of my favorites)
Go on walks and talks
Hang out with friends while B gets some social interaction with their little ones
Visit the library for read alouds and music class
Clean – clean.everything…I think I thoroughly clean the kitchen at least 3 times a day. There is so much cleaning involved with this job
Research learning activities for toddlers and how to be the best mommy
- on my baby! I only have roughly 196 more weeks left until he goes to Kindergarten.
In addition to all the above, I try really hard to make my house a home…somewhere my hubby finds comfort when he comes home from a long day with teenagers (teaching) or screaming
fansparents (reffing).
God called me to this job when I was in college! It was the first time I realized the most important role I would hold would be my role as a mom/wife. I was doing some research for a child development class, and I vividly remember standing in the library, open to a book, telling myself I would raise my children when the time came. I don’t consider myself “lucky” but simply obedient! When God calls you to do something, it’s best you obey! Plus, I hate the word “lucky” because it implies I fell into this position…if you’ve followed this blog a while or know me personally, you know we worked VERY hard to make this happen. I don’t do it perfectly and I never will, but I have God on my side and He’s leading me through it! Being a full-time mom is much tougher than I thought it would be, but I’m in love with it and it’s my passion!
I think in a sense we all “love and take care of our family all day” whether we’re at home with them or providing financially for them in the work place. God calls each of us in different places. Below are a few pictures…
And what would a post be without the infamous look! He cracks me up. He will now stare at me like this if I’m not paying attention to him so when I do see him, I die laughing. He thinks it’s hilarious!
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Venessa says
Visiting from the May Blog Challenge. I am a new follower and loved your post today! Being a momma is the best thing I have ever done!!
TOI says
this is so sweet. being a mother to such a sweet angel is the best price ever 🙂