Hope you are liking the new blog design! My friend Jennie is still updating it, but I’m loving the changes so far! I’ll link her site on the side bar soon, in case you’re interested in a new design for your blog or website. She also does amazing card designs. She did Beckham’s invitations. Thanks Jennie, I can’t wait to see the final product!
Today is Valentine’s Day, so Happy Valentine’s Day! Last night when Ryan was done with detention duty, we had a little homemade pizza and chocolate covered strawberries and bananas since he would be gone tonight. I tried this new whole wheat crust. It was pretty easy and tasty! I made two pizzas from this crust recipe. Ryan likes no cheese, so this always works out best anyway. The strawberries were really good, but the bananas were even better!
Today, he emailed me and told me to meet him at Cristina’s for lunch. So, Beckham and I were able to see him today after all and give him his gift. My birthday is the 16th so we usually don’t make a big deal out of this day since we’re already celebrating big for my birthday. We decided on a $5 gift for each other this year. He got me chocolates, 3 red roses (I only like small amounts of flowers at a time…he knows me well), and a sweet card! I got him some of his favorite candy, beef jerky, and a card. Of course my cards are always funny! He’s a “serious” card person and I’m a “funny” card person!
After lunch we visited Jennie’s for some play date fun outside…this weather is gorgeous for February! Beckham and Ali had fun playing outside! Now my little mini me is sleeping on my chest! It’s been a great day and I cannot wait for this weekend, starting tomorrow! Dinner with some girlfriends, a night away with the hubster, and then family celebration! It’s going to be great!
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Laura says
New layout looks great!!
Lauryn Roth says
Aww so sweet, I love seeing peoples Valentines! Looks like yall had fun and i love the new blog design!!