Day 302: We went to the pumpkin patch on Wednesday. You can read about it HERE.
And later that day, Maddox and I stared in shock as B danced around…naked. That boy is so full of energy it’s crazy.
Innocent little Maddox woke up from his nap and B went to “check on him.” When I came to save get him, the poor guy was covered (no worries, I watch the whole thing on the monitor). I have a video of it and I wish I could show you (can’t figure out how to post a video on here).
Day 303: No bones about it, he’s the cutest skeleton. On Thursday, this guy got to wear pj’s to school.
And we I carved a pumpkin.
Day 304: Halloween! Maddox was a Dallas Cowboy’s football player and Beckham was Sully from Monsters University. Their costumes were VERY fitting! You can read what all we did that day HERE.
Maddox LOVES bath time!
Day 305: Ryan was home during bath/bed time on Saturday, so I got to read some books with B while he took care of Maddox. He loves to read.
We also celebrated my niece’s 2nd birthday on Saturday (she’s the one standing up in the back…my brother’s daughter). I love this picture because it portrays exactly her personality. Let’s just say B may have rubbed off on her. She cracks me up!
Photo Credit: Logan O’Rear
Day 306: After church on Sunday, we went to my parent’s house to celebrate my mom’s birthday! Sadly, this was the only picture I took. This cake is amazing!
Day 307: Monday was rainy, but we went grocery shopping and played at the house. B finds it fun to run around the baby. Maddox finds it very entertaining as well. It’s cool how the older brother entertains the baby. Maddox really does light up differently when he sees Beckham.
After bathtime again…I just think he’s adorable in his towel…it’s also nice to see him without his helmet (he’s in it 23 hours a day).
Day 308: Not gonna lie…I was a bit annoyed on Tuesday night. I had planned a pretty simple soup recipe for dinner and had to do it all one handed. This guy was fussy unless I held him. Yes, I’ve tried baby carriers and he doesn’t seem to like them…go figure. He’s awkwardly big for them. Pretty much NO RECIPE is worth making these days. Even cereal has been tricky.
I’m SLOWLY but surely figuring out how to manage two kids all day and night by myself. Last night I got both boys dinner, bathed, and in bed by 8:20pm! 8:20 people!!! And I cleaned some and showered before sitting down to work at 9:30. I have to give a shout out to my husband who has been waking up with M around 6:45am to feed him before he goes to work since I’ve been up so late working/pumping/cleaning. It lets me snooze a bit longer. Have a great weekend.
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