I did one of these back in May and I thought I would do another one. I don’t know what it is about reading someone else’s “typical day,” but I enjoy these types of posts. It’s fun to see how other people go through their day. This is pretty typical, but as a stay at home mom, every day is different…this was pretty close. This was last Wednesday. We didn’t have a play date, but we usually do those 1-2 times a week in the morning.
Ryan had left for work as soon as I woke up around 7:30 (remember my new goal) and I made some coffee. The first several weeks of this pregnancy, I detested coffee. Now I like it again…pregnancy is weird, but I’m happy because coffee calms me and makes me happy.
I made THESE MUFFINS the night before (they stay in fridge overnight) and pulled the mix out to add bananas and cinnamon before I put them in the muffin tins. I half this recipe and it still makes 2 1/2 dozen! These are great for toddlers too!
Beckham is still asleep at this point, so while these are baking, I…
drank a tall glass of water! I’m so stinking thirsty in the morning and cannot function until I drink some water.
Then around 7:50, I read my devotional and sipped my coffee! This is my favorite part of the day (if I can wake up in time)…B is asleep and it’s super quiet in the house. Starting my day with Jesus really makes a difference!
I LOVE my Bible. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a new Bible. What I love most about it is the study notes at the bottom. The Bible is not always so clear (I mean there are scholars who study the Bible for a living), so these notes at the bottom are extremely helpful. It also has a lot of other great features as well.
This is the Bible I use…
I go in Beckham’s room to wake him up around 8:30 and he is OUT! I rubbed his back and he woke up only to…
turn over and get more comfortable. So I decide to let him sleep a bit longer.
*Side Note: You might be thinking how lucky I am that my toddler sleeps this late. Well, it is nice, BUT he is a night owl like myself and doesn’t like to go to sleep till 10:30 sometimes. Even when we put him in bed at 9:00, sometimes he’ll lay there, read, jump, or whatever until he falls asleep. We are really working at putting him down earlier (8:30-9:00pm) and waking him up before 8:30 or 9:00am. It is working and he’s falling asleep sooner, but still waking up around 9:00. He naps for a couple hours during the day and I don’t let him nap past 4:00 if he went down later. Anyway…
I put up the dishes that I left to dry last night (most nights I leave them on the counter to dry so it’s faster to put up in the morning).
These are the muffins all ready to eat!
I eat my breakfast since B is still sleeping and get on the computer (check emails, Etsy shop, blogs, Facebook, etc).
Finally woke him up at 9:00. While he’s eating breakfast, I…
get dressed and make my bed!
Clean up the kitchen a bit while he practices his golf swing and watches cartoons.
Start my crock pot pinto beans to have with dinner tonight.
At 10:10 we were out the door and headed to the gym. I worked out for about an hour and left around 11:30 to run some errands. FINALLY, Beckham does well in the kids’ area long enough for me to workout. I feel bad staying longer than an hour…plus I was dying! I ran/walked and worked out my chest and legs with weights.
Went to Container Store for some bins and a basket for our DVD’s. B is not upset but was making a fake upset face because bunny was dropping…this kid is a little dramatic (gosh, where does he get that from) 🙂
Since I had a couple more errands to run and it was 12:30, we zipped into Chick-fil-a and had lunch and played of course. He LOVES this place. If he sees the Chick-fil-a C symbol, he says “cow”…I told Ryan, “I think we go there too much.”
Dropped some stuff at a friends house and B “read” the Sprouts ad in the car to decide what we needed when we went.
Sprouts is a local farmers market store that has great deals on fruits, veggies, and meats. I like to go on Wednesday when they have “Double Ad” days…their prices for the last week’s and current week’s ad all apply!
As soon as we got home around 1:55, I put him in his bed to take his nap. I don’t usually like to put him down this late, but that’s the life of a stay at home mom who has to run errands with a toddler. 1:00 or 1:30 is his usual nap time.
I work on some signs for customers while he naps.
I also showered and put on my comfy clothes! It’s so cold here and when it comes to fashion in the winter for me, it’s all about COMFORT and WARMTH. If I’m not warm and comfortable, I’m irritable…I could care less if I have on something trendy. Definitely a perk of working/staying at home!
I wake him up around 4:00 and he’s SUPER tired! We cuddled until he was ready to go play. I know he’s tired when he rests his head on my shoulder after I get him up.
We have a snack together! He LOVES eating strawberries whole.
After his nap/snack, B plays a bit and a girl comes over to take our double bed around 5:00 (I’m selling a bunch of stuff). Ryan got home around 5:30 and helped her stack the mattress on top of the box springs on her car. We couldn’t get the frame undone, so she left (she lives close) and Ryan worked on that and played with Beckham, while I worked on dinner. Ryan usually does not get home at this time so I’m usually doing the following solo. I can’t believe how easy it is when he is home.
B got rice and beans with more strawberries. He ate a little quesadilla later with us. Ryan threw some goldfish on his place mat too.
Dinner was chicken quesadillas, beans, and fruit salad. I used the panini maker for the quesadillas. I could’ve eaten so many more quesadillas…mmm!
Speaking of dinner, this is the BEST spatula ever. It rests on a little stand and is rubbery so it doesn’t chip/melt away the spatula part (I was sautéing onions). My mom and dad got this for me for Christmas (a 3 piece set actually), but I can’t remember the brand. They got it at Tom Thumb.
We watched American Idol. I LOVE this show. We don’t have DVR, so I have to watch at that moment or else I miss it (which happens often, especially if Ryan is not home). Parents need DVR’s…there’s no way to watch shows with babies and toddlers in the house. Ryan gave Beckham a bath around 7:30 (no pic) and he came back out in the living room to play around a little before bed.
I ate this delicious brownie while Beckham was in the bath so I didn’t have to share 🙂 I usually make one dessert a week and this week was brownies with chocolate chips and marshmallows in them. B went down around 8:30…probably fell asleep around 9.
Yep, time to clean the kitchen. I don’t get how the kitchen gets so messy so quickly. This was a simple meal too. Not a lot of prep or mess to get out. Had to empty the dishwasher (my MOST hated chore), but Ryan helped put away after I dried. Ryan usually does this for me, but since they were SO wet after being washed, I wanted to dry them. Love my husband but he dries them quickly 😉 I’m super anal about cleanliness. But, it’s the only chore I don’t mind someone else helping me with…and dusting.
As the dishes on the counter dried after I cleaned up, Ryan and I watched an episode of Grey’s Anatomy (I got the last season for Christmas this year, so we watch this together on nights he’s home).
Much better! A clean kitchen. 11:00 and it’s all ready for the next day…I can’t go to bed with a dirty kitchen!
Ryan took beans, chips, and leftover fruit salad to work so I only had to prep Beckham’s lunch for preschool the next day (he only goes 2 times a week). This is a pretty typical lunch as of late. Hallelujah, he just started eating sandwiches so I can now make him a half sandwich to take. I prepped this the night before (juice, organic fruit strip, goldfish, carrots, and fruit). I make the sandwich the next morning (peanut butter and smashed banana – I use one slice and fold it over). FYI, he only gets juice for lunch on school days and if we’re out for lunch, simply because I don’t want to pack a sippy of milk and keep it cold.
I write out my to-do list for the next day and check a few more things on the computer. This is dangerous for me because sometimes I get sucked in and stay up later doing nothing important on the computer.
Wash my face, brush my teeth, and crawl into bed around 12:00. I like to read a chapter in Proverbs before I go to bed. I just started this and I LOVE it. Night!
I will look back on this post one day and remember such a fun day with my small little family! Although we have to get out of the house or hook up with friends to get through most of our days, I love these simple days of being home and taking care of my kiddo (soon to be kiddoS).
I plan to start an informal curriculum with Beckham soon! I’ll focus mostly on letters, colors, numbers, shapes, and writing. I don’t think it’s necessary, but it is a great thing to fill part of the day, especially when we are home for majority of it or when the new baby comes and we don’t get out much. I plan on going to the teacher store and just using things I learned as a teacher, but if you have any recommendations of things online, games, apps, etc., I’d love to hear about them!
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Laura says
I have that same Bible and love it too! The application notes at the bottom are really great.
Cristi Kearn says
Look into Confessions of a Homeschooler Great resource!!