How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 30 pounds total (0 pounds this week)
How big is baby? Size of a honeydew. Baby is plumping up. Liver and kidneys are in working order. Circulation and Immune systems are ready to go. Babycenter says baby might have descended into pelvis. Will get measurements on Tuesday of his actual size.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep? Same as before. Hard to get comfortable.
Fitness? Nothing formal. I hope this doesn’t hurt me during labor.
Best moment this week? Feeling somewhat ready!
Miss anything? Basically everything that has to do with having ENERGY again and NOT SWELLING. I know what it’s like to be up every 2-3 hours feeding, but it’s a different tired than right now…one I rather be experiencing. Plus, it’s short lived.
Food cravings? Same as last – Sugar and water. Patty melts/Paninis sound really good too!
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but I did make some pulled pork this week and after I shredded it, I really didn’t feel like eating any of it.
Current Symptoms? The only thing that is new is that some of his movements hurt and make me stop in my tracks. There is a lot more pressure down there, but this may just be normal of a head down baby. There are times I truly think my water is about to break with how much pressure there is, especially when he moves.
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Mood? I feel like it’s the calm before the storm. I’m nesting pretty bad this week, but also taking time to put my feet up. They are so big, it hurts to walk after a while, so I have to literally lay down…needless to say, I’ve caught up on 2 episodes of the Bachelorette.
36 Weeks Pregnancy #2 Update
This was a much better week than last. Nothing new to share, except I’m feeling much more pressure in pelvic area. There were several times yesterday, I had to stop walking because it literally stopped me in my tracks. Never had these feelings with pregnancy #1, but then again, it’s completely different the way he’s positioned. I go to the doctor tomorrow, so I’ll be able to get more information on position, weight, size, etc. This will be my 37 week appointment. This will also be my first appointment with another doctor since mine is officially out of the country spreading God’s love! I know this doctor well (I played soccer with his daughter in high school and he was in on my c-section), so I’m not worried, but I will be having a long chat about my obsession with a VBAC. I guess I need to ask all the details of when to call in or what true labor might be like if my water doesn’t break like last time. I’m blessed to have doctors that are not only supportive of this, but encouraging of it. I also have both of my showers this coming weekend, as well as a wedding, and my sister’s birthday celebration (she’s coming in town from Louisiana). It will be a busy week/weekend! Oh and another side note, I think my hair grew almost 2 inches in the last month. I just cut it and it’s longer than it’s ever been.
And a comparison between both pregnancies at 36 weeks…
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