Dear Maddox,
This letter/update is well overdue, as is everything in my life right now. Let me just sum up your personality…
Being Held = HAPPY. Not Being Held – NOT HAPPY.
You’ve come a long way since the beginning of your 3rd month, but you are still very clingy and fussy if not being held. I think God is teaching me a lot through this though. He’s possibly telling me I have too much on my plate. To let things go and to say NO! I know this time will pass, but having a baby and a toddler is no joke! Especially with the personalities that you two have. Your brother is a lot to handle as well. Needless to say, you are held a lot. You’re like a 16 pound bag of sugar. Last month, you napped really well during the day, but were inconsistent at night. Just within the last couple of weeks, you switched. You nap pretty bad during the day and sleep through the night. Although we’re now having some issues with that too.
I think you are starting to resemble your brother, although your noses are still very different and your smiles are very different as well. Speaking of, here is your comparison at 3 months with older brother…
Three things to note this month:
1. You started sleeping longer at night. I’d normally be super happy about this, but you don’t really nap anymore either. And it takes about 2 hours of off and on crying before you fall asleep. Your sleeping is still really inconsistent. I work once you “go to bed” so this usually means I get into my bed around 2-3am!
2. You got sick last week (technically over 3 months old) and it was so sad. Just a little cold, but getting sick so young is tough. You’re still on the mend.
3. When I took you into the doctor for your sickness, Dr. Burton recommended we get an evaluation based on your head shape. Sure enough you have plagiocephaly, which is a flatness to your head. You also have torticollis, which is a shortness in your neck muscle on one side. Both of these things can cause some problems so they recommend a helmet to help even things out and stretching to lengthen that muscle in your neck. You will most likely get the band before you’re 4 months. This will be a new journey for us. You shouldn’t have to wear it long since you’re so young, which will be nice. This explains your horrible progress with tummy time. The doc said since your head is flat and shift upward, there is so much weight in the front causing you to have a difficult time pulling all that weight up.
Measurements: When I took you to the doctor’s office for a sick visit at 3 months, you were 16+ pounds (I forgot the exact weight). You wear 3-6 month clothing and some 6-9 month onesie pajamas.
My favorite thing: You laughed twice this month but haven’t in a while. By far the coolest thing. I also LOVE bath time with you. It’s usually just you and I and it’s quiet, calm, and you’re happy!
Daily Activities: You still do the same things, but are more awake now. Like I said above, you love being held. You sit in your Bumbo a little more now. Basically, whatever I’m doing, you’re doing.
Eating: As of now, you are still eating about every 3-3.5 hours. You tend to eat a lot right before bed. You might eat at 8pm, then 10pm after bath, and then again at 12:30am or so after crying so much. You eat anywhere from 4.5-6oz at each feeding.
Sleeping: Ok well the good news is, you started sleeping through the night. You’d go down around 10:30 and sleep till 8am. Within the last week or so, you have been crying from when we put you down for the night at 10:30ish till about 12:30 when we finally decide to feed you. I’ll feed you at 10:30 and then shortly after we put you down, you start crying. We keep putting paci in your mouth, but every time it falls out, you start crying. This lasts a couple of hours when we finally decide to feed you another bottle and then put you down again with the paci. I hate that stupid thing! Naps are so inconsistent throughout the day and you won’t take a full nap in your crib anymore…it barely lasts more than 20 minutes. I’ll either keep going in your room to put the paci back in every 5 minutes during your entire nap time or you just don’t nap. Needless to say, I get NOTHING done during the day.
Special Events:
-Stopped swaddling you fully a couple weeks after you turned 2 months old (that was an adjustment)
-Laughed for the first time
-Got sick for the first time right at 3 months
-Slept through the night for the first time right at 3 months.
Love you so much and am so thankful God chose me to be your mom!
Erica Ladwig says
He's such a cutie! We have sleep issues with our 3 month old as well… he still wakes up 3 times a night to eat. I just keep telling myself that it's just a phase. 🙂 Good luck!
Whitney R says
I'm glad he is feeling better! Oh man I feel you on the sleep thing. Gage is having the hardest time napping and my day consist of putting a binky back in and trying to get him to nap. So exhausting. Ryder almost had to have a helmet too. But that's good they caught it young!