You know you’re a mom (specifically full-time) when…
- Your to-do list never shortens, just gets longer.
- You get dressed before noon and feel extremely accomplished for the day. Make-up…you’re “mom of the year.”
- You come up with at least one new project per day for your house.
- You gladly volunteer to run errands as soon as the hubby gets home.
- You let your kid watch a couple videos even if you swore you wouldn’t be that mom.
- You clean the kitchen at least three times before you’ve even started dinner.
- You think the house sounds weird when the washer and dryer are not running.
- You lay in the bed humming Elmo’s songs….and then realizing you have favorites.
- You realize lunch AND dinner is just not necessary.
- Your weekly chore list becomes your daily list.
- Silence doesn’t mean it’s peaceful, it means something is wrong.
- You can’t find a non-baby photo on your cell phone anymore.
- You will rearrange your day to keep “nap time.”
- You go back in your baby’s room after they’re asleep to stare at them, wondering how in the world you could miss them, but you do!
- You realize how blessed you are and wouldn’t change it for a million dollars!
I keep thinking these things, so I thought I would post them! I can’t believe how fast he’s growing up and I’m glad I’m not missing any of it! Ugh. Everyone says it goes by fast, so I’m trying to savor these memories! Love being a mom!
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Danielle Wagasky says
I am totally laughing right now. This istao true. That dang to do list just won't shorten for me either and the washer is almost a comforting sound. Means things are getting done;)