Grab a cup of coffee…this one’s a doozy. I’m combining two posts in one today since they overlap. I’m linking up with Astleigh for Hour by Hour Weekend and Rebekah for 10 on 10. I started 10 on 10 a couple of months ago where you capture 10 pictures on the 10th of the month. This landed on a Friday this month, so I have my Friday to share with y’all in 10 pictures. And I also took a picture every hour (give or take) this weekend (Sat and Sun) for Astleigh’s link up. It was fun capturing the weekend, but I’m glad to not have to remember to take another picture. Haha.
FRIDAY: 10 on 10
Once I fed Maddox his milk, he likes to go wake Beckham up. It was almost 9:00 and this boy wouldn’t budge. So Maddox helped himself to his piggy bank.
Maddox gets breakfast while B makes his way to the kitchen. When I held the camera up to my eye to snap this picture, he automatically smiled. I think I take too many pictures???
Beckham requested some coffee 🙂 I also did a load of laundry and put dishes away that were drying on counter.
I sat down and read a Scripture we talked about during Bible study and my Jesus Calling while Maddox and Beckham finished eating and playing.
I blow dried my hair (slept on it wet) and straightened it, while Maddox took his nap and Beckham watched a show. Look how bootleg my blow dryer is. I never bootleg stuff like this, but I want to find a really good dryer before I purchase it, and I just haven’t had time to research. I also need to get a curling iron (and later a new straightener). I mean, this is pretty bad..and probably really unsafe.
I cleaned up a bit and made our bed.
Got B dressed and we’re ready to go meet Gramma at Chick-fil-a. I totally forgot to take a picture at Chick-fil-a so we jump straight to the evening #horribleblogger
This picture turned out dark, but the boys are playing with daddy while I start to get ready to leave for my MOPS retreat that evening.
Beckham playing with his new train Gramma got him. He’s obsessed with these motorized trains.
Maddox escaped and is “helping” me get ready to go.
I’m really bad and forgot to take any pictures that night. I met these girls for the first time that night and got caught up in talking and having a good time. Plus, I’d probably be the weird new girl taking pictures had I done so…haha. I got home late and did a couple of orders and then went to bed.
8:00 – Awake and headed to the second part of the MOPS retreat. This was my outfit…ignore the toys and notebooks #reallife
9:00-12:00 – Grabbed a coffee on the way and headed into the meeting.
12:00 – Lunch at home. Leftover chicken spaghetti from last night’s meeting and a nectarine.
1:00 – Made the boys’ lunch…this is late for them, but Maddox slept late for his morning nap.
2:00 – Did a load of laundry and made banana bread while the boys played outside with Ryan.
3:00 – I headed out to test drive a Honda Pilot and grabbed a Sonic drink on the way since it was happy hour. I like a Diet Cherry Limeade with white coconut (they accidentally added blue coconut too).
4:00 – This is how I feel about test driving by myself. I HATE going to dealerships! FYI, I really liked the Pilot.
5:00 – Get home and sneak up on this. Two boys playing in the playroom quietly.
6:00 – Test drove another car with the WHOLE family at the dealership. That was fun #not I also really loved the Acadia.
7:00 – We swung by Chick-fil-a on the way home to grab a bite. This little guy had so much fun and got himself a cow to play with.
8:00 – Still at Chick-fil-a.
9:00 (no picture) – I cleaned the kitchen (was dirty from earlier) and kids took a quick bath. This is LATE for kids to be getting a bath and bed, but oh well.
10:00 – Cleaned my desk and surfed the web/looked at shop
11:00 – Ryan turned on this HBO special of the U.S. Women’s 99 soccer team: Dare to Dream. I couldn’t help but join him on the couch and watch it for the next HOUR!
12:00 – Took a shower, finished orders, and got in bed after cleaning off my night stand. I actually got in bed closer to 1:30.
8:00 (really 8:30) – Awake, but I just want to stay in bed and sleep!
9:00 – Smoothie for breakfast!
10:00 – My little stud ready to walk into church and get his donut.
11:00 – My crew leaving church. Maddox has to walk now like big brother.
12:00 – Sword fighting with crayons at lunch. We typically go out to eat after church. We had pancakes for lunch.
1:00-2:00 – We dropped daddy and baby off at the house and headed to see Inside Out at the movie theater. He made it through the whole movie and loved his popcorn even more.
3:00 – In a very rare moment, I passed out on the couch after we got home from our movie for a solid 30 minutes, if not longer.
4:00 – I have no idea…my phone was dead.
5:00 – Sat down to make a grocery list and ended up making this printable instead #graphicdesignerproblems Feel free to save it and use it for yourself.
6:00 – Dinner..leftover chicken spaghetti.
7:00 – Bath time…too many pictures to choose one.
8:00/9:00 – I put Maddox to bed and got on a mean determined streak of getting junk out of the house. I had stared at a messy house too long. I got to work in the kitchen and took down all the lights underneath our cabinet that were falling apart. Literally, one of the lights was hanging down. I’m going to replace them with those touch lights. This task led to wiping down cabinets, which led to cleaning off entire counter, which led to cleaning the kitchen, which led to mopping the floor. Ryan came in from working outside and got a glimpse of my wrath need to clean, and put B to bed and helped me clean up. He’s awesome. My house looks MUCH better.
9:00 – Start to do the dishes in the sink and…forgot to unload the dishwasher. Ugh! I hate that. Cleaned more of the kitchen like I mentioned above. I stopped taking pictures at this point.
I took a shower, cleaned up my bedroom, worked on some orders, and blogged part of this post.
It was a fun and busy weekend. Hope you enjoyed seeing some glimpses of it. I’m ready for a great week!
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Erica Ladwig says
So glad I'm not the only one who eats Chick fil A 2 days in a row! 🙂 In college, I literally ate it every day Mon-Fri because we had it on campus, and I definitely gained the freshman 15!
If that is Pioneer Woman's Chicken Spaghetti, then YUM! I also hate unloading the dishwasher and going to car dealerships too!
joyfullyprudent says
Chick fil a for the win so many times. 🙂 The spaghetti is actually from a local restaurant downtown (they had it catered).
denovojournal says
Okay, I have to ask: Is that the Ikea Kallax cube shelving unit I see in one of your photographs? How do you like it? We're considering purchasing one for our baby's room. I'm noticing it's tricky finding the right size fabric bins for it, though, unless you get IKEA ones. Looks like you had a busy weekend!
joyfullyprudent says
Yes it IS the IKEA Kallax shelf. I LOVE it. I had previously bought Target shelves and I wish I had gone ahead and bought these. They're pretty easy to put together too (which is saying a lot for IKEA furniture). I would highly recommend. As far as the fabric cloths go…I personally won't buy them again for areas that they'll be used often. They end up getting worn and fuzzy. I was considering buying them for the IKEA shelves from IKEA even, but the display ones in the store were starting to fuzz as well, so I went with the hard plastic white ones. SOOOO glad I did. Maybe other kids aren't as hard on them, but my kids tear up the fabric ones.
Mattie @ Northwest Native says
Looks like a good and busy weekend! That banana bread looks delicious!
joyfullyprudent says
Thanks Mattie. Banana bread is my favorite and I've made a lot. I have it on my blog under recipes.
Kaitlin {Little Goodies Blog} says
Looks like fun!!!! I need to try Chick fil A! We just got one here and it's been so popular that they have to have cops directing traffic!!!
joyfullyprudent says
You will love it (if you haven' had it already)! I'm not a salad eater and I think they have one of the best salads ever (Asian Chicken Salad)!!!
Whitney @ Work it Mommy says
Looks like a full but fun weekend! When Astleigh announced the hour-by-hour link up it totally reminded me of 10 on 10, too! Not that I do it, Im terrible at remembering to take pictures every hour, its a wonder I made it through this weekend 😉
joyfullyprudent says
Haha…it was hard keeping up and taking pictures. I should probably do every other hour 🙂 I also felt like a lot of mine were the same…feed kids, clean, feed kids, clean, etc… LOL
Kylie McGraw says
Your boys are so sweet! Glad you got to enjoy some quality time with one at the movies! So fun 🙂
Erika Slaughter says
I love this post!!! Great idea!!