Last time I updated about pregnancy #3, I was 12 weeks. Here we are now, 15 weeks! Not much changed over the last 3 weeks except being tired. This last week I have been tired like the first trimester. And I feel huge. I’m showing about a month more than my previous pregnancy, meaning I look like I did at 19 weeks pregnant with Maddox. That has been the biggest difference between this pregnancy and my last two.
Here I am at 13, 14, and 15 weeks (since I last updated at 12 weeks):
I honestly can’t see too much of a change in my stomach from week to week, but it sure feels like it.
How far along? 15 weeks 3 days…(due date is October 7th)!
Total weight gain/loss? 4 pounds (according to my scale).
How big is baby? Size of an apple (about 4 inches long).
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? I’m pretty tired. Sleeping fine though.
Fitness? I did go to the gym a few times, but that’s still not enough. We’ve had A LOT going on this past month, but I still need to exercise more! I’m continuing to weight train and actually did a walk/jog this past week.
Best moment this week? Well the best moment since 12 weeks was by far finding out Baby #3 is a GIRL! You can read about it here.
Miss anything? Supplements. I love supplements like pre-workouts and Amino Acids, but I stopped taking them. Amino acids might be okay, but I haven’t asked my doctor and stuff like that isn’t FDA approved, so I feel better not taking it while pregnant. Just water and protein powder occasionally.
Food cravings? Not really! I’ve been wanting watermelon a lot, but I usually do when it starts to warm up!
Anything making you queasy or sick? No. I do get dizzy VERY easily if I haven’t had enough water.
Current Symptoms? I’ve had more headaches than usual.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Mood? I feel like I’ve been pretty moody lately, but like I mentioned above, we had/have a lot of tedious tasks going on now…and my kids are driving me nuts lately (just being honest). They’re at the “fight every minute of the day” stage if they’re playing together.
Overall, I feel tired. It’s still so weird to me that we’re having a girl. I just can’t imagine it yet. We’ve been talking a lot about names lately. I have several I like, but not sure if I’m going to share just yet.
Till next update…
Shannon says
Congrats again!!! Girls are fun! My daughter Kerrigan is such a sweetie and a girl after my own heart! Best wishes! Enjoy these posts!