Well, I’m behind 2 weeks again, almost 3, so here is two weeks worth of Olivia Everyday pictures from Instagram. (@olivia_snyderstellall)
Day 190: My little man is not so little. 75% for weight, 98% for length, and 98% for head size. He’s back up to his birth weight which means this is how big he was when he was born. Holy Moly!
Day 191: So happy to not have swollen hands, feet, and cheeks anymore. I have been waiting months for this day.
Day 192: Big brother is on a “mini vacation” with cousins at Mimo and Poppy’s! They have been watching him a lot lately (as well as my mother in law) and it’s been great to be able to focus on Maddox, even though I miss him tons.
Day 193: Despite the fact that I want to use my Clarisonic on his baby acne, he still has a cute smile. 🙂
Day 194: Long fingers!
Day 195: Both boys napping and my first cup of joe at home since having the baby! Budgeting and doing taxes (for business). It was so peaceful!
Day 196: Potty training. Just fyi, this lasted a total of 1 day. What was I thinking? He’ll go pee on the potty every once in a while on his own, but we’re far from trained!
Day 197: First outing with both boys by myself! #isurvived
A few other pics from Week 28:
I love sweet baby smiles when they’re sleeping.
I was a hot mess, but I had Starbucks, a cuddly baby, and a happy toddler at Mimo’s.
Swimming at Mimo and Poppy’s!
He asks to hold “baby brubber” every day! And then says “I’m done” 2 seconds later.
I sit in this rocking chair facing his playroom for a large portion of the day and I never know what he’s going to come out of there with or how he entertains himself. I’m lucky he’s at an age where he’s able to entertain himself at least for a little while.
This is my life right now! Breastfeeding and pumping. I’m pretty sure I would have been a wet nurse back in the day. This picture was taken at 2 weeks postpartum. I’m already counting down the months till I’m done. My goal is 1 year…11 months to go.
Umm dude, that’s not for you.
Whatever, as long as you are happy!
WEEK 29:
Day 198: Sitting at my desk trying to get work done. Such a mama’s boy. He’s a little better now, but this was the only way he would sleep for a while.
Day 199: This kid is chunking up fast! #allhedoesiseat #wearsmeout
Day 200: So glad my parents live close! Helping me take care of Maddox and myself while B was at his cousin’s house. I got mastitis last week and pretty much felt like I was dying. I had a 102 temp, flu like symptoms, and couldn’t open my eyes because my head hurt so bad. My parents are extremely selfless!
Day 201: This 3.5 week old is wearing 3 month onesies!
Day 202: Love him! We made brownies.
Day 203: Having fun in the sprinklers! It’s taken him almost all summer to warm up to the idea of water touching his eyes.
Day 204: This mama is enforcing some major Baby Wise today. I followed the book’s guidelines with B and he slept through the night early on. Maddox is HORRIBLE at night and I simply cannot function without sleep. When you have another kid to take care of, you can’t really catch up on sleep during the day. I’m probably averaging 4-6 hours of interrupted sleep per night. People keep asking me why I don’t like the newborn stage…this is reason number one right here!
More pics from Week 29:
Our sweet friends came over for dinner! Party of 5!
He started climbing this tree all my himself and got pretty high. Such a boy.
This kid LOVES to be swaddled.
Cousin Tenley swinging with B!
Playing in the water. I’m pretty sure B is trying to take the water from Tenley. These two play and fight like siblings.
Two rare things about this picture…unpolished nails and Maddox was asleep.
Even though I’m not a fan of this stage, this sure is CUTE. The pros of newborns right here.
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Whitney R says
I have a 3 week old and a 2 year old and I'm glad I'm not the only one who HATES the newborn stage! People think I'm crazy. But 3 hours of sleep each night is not my idea of fun. Hang in there mama I'm right there with you!
Anonymous says
The lack of sleep is the only reason we didn't try for a fourth. I cannot function (not exaggerating) with no sleep. For the baby's eczema pour a capfull of rubbing alcohol into his bathwater, all my babies had that annoying eczema and that helped a ton. I also used baby oil instead of lotion it helped with that flaky skin they get and if they have cradle cap.