To be honest, I’m loving every week down because it means one step closer to my baby getting easier. Yep, I’m serious! Newborn stage can wiz on by. I’m soaking up the snuggles, but other than that, give me sleep!
Day 239: A magazine, a drink to myself, and a salon…pretty much equivalent to a vacation!
Day 240: Checking out his new cubby at Meet the Teacher night.
Day 241: Regressing much?
Day 242: Y’all this picture is crazy because my mom and I spent several hours up at my husband’s school on Sunday cleaning and organizing it. My husband is a great teacher, but cleaning and organizing his room is not his forte. Every time I came to his class, I’d cringe and want to change everything. Finally, he let me at it! He wasn’t there so we had a blast changing it up. Those were two bulletin boards we put up. I’ll post the before and after of his 9th grade Algebra room.
Day 243: Too much sweetness. I thought he might get Ryan’s blue eyes, but they’re staying pretty navy blue (which Beckham’s did), so I’m thinking he might get brown as well.
Day 244: The sign of a good Labor Day at the pool!
Day 245: First day of Preschool! You can read about it HERE.
Another pic from Labor Day at my parents.
This was me at Walmart at 11pm on Monday night. #momlife
And this is what happens when both kids are asleep. Rearranging!
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