During Beckham’s first year, I wrote him a letter each month to document his “happenings” that he can read later. It also helped me document milestones, which I’ve already re-read multiple times. It’s been three months since his last letter because I thought I would do it more sporadically. Mistake. I now have TOO much information/pictures for only ONE letter. After this update, I’’ll go back to a more consistent updates.
Dear Beckham (or “Bubba” as we call you a lot),
My little love bug, you are awesome! I am seriously so in love with you and blessed to be your mommy! You have definitely entered toddlerhood! You are really your own little person now and know what you want. Discipline is now my new “area of learning.” But I can’t get enough and am beyond blessed to be able to raise you! I am so grateful God chose me to take care of you here on Earth!
MEASUREMENTS: You weigh 24lbs 5.5oz. (50-75%). You are 30 1/2 inches tall (25-50%). Your head circumference is 19 1/4 inches (75-90%). There are very few hats that will fit you. You wear 18 month clothing. You have slimmed up a lot since your 1st birthday.
MY FAVORITE THING: Watching you dance and getting kisses and hugs. Your favorite thing to do is read!
SLEEPING: I love you for this! You are a GREAT sleeper! Your bed time is 8:00pm and you usually wake up around 8:00am, sometimes later. And you just lay in your bed, sucking your thumb with your bunny, till I come and get you. You nap around 1:00pm to about 3:45pm. You’re flexible in your sleeping patterns too – If we’re out late or your nap gets pushed back. Thank you for being a wonderful sleeper.
EATING: You have gone through a “picky eater” phase. You used to eat everything! Then one day you started refusing most of your food. You’ll always eat fruit though. I am fearful that I created your taste preference in the womb (maybe I ate too many sweets?). One week you ate a ton of whole wheat spaghetti and the next week, you wouldn’t take one bite. I introduced plates and forks and this has helped quite a bit, but it’s still hit or miss. I’m going to continue to feed you healthy foods. I might just have to get creative with how I present it to you.
ATTACHED: You are much clingier right now. I really just think you want to know everything I’m doing. Cooking, preparing your food, or cleaning the kitchen and you can bet you’ll be pulling on my leg, while screaming at me. Good times. When I drop you off at the church nursery, you cry and freak out. It breaks my heart! I mean it really is sad to leave you…I feel like I’m abandoning you. You calm down at church, but at the gym, they call me back in to get you…therefore, I’ve stopped going to the gym. You are a total mama’s boy right now!
WORDS: You understand almost everything we say to you. You can follow simple commands and surprise me each day with what you respond to. For example, I asked you where your broom was so you could “help” me clean the kitchen and you disappeared only to come back with your broom. I honestly was just trying to keep you distracted. It’s so weird that you can understand our words, but not speak them. Some words you are saying are: mama, dada, bye-bye, baba (bottle or sippy) and uh-oh. You also make some animal sounds: kak (quack), mom mom mom (cookie monster’s sound), whewhe (like an elephant), whoof (dog), wah (roar like a lion). You babble constantly, trying to speak to us. You have this one word for almost everything (hass, like hass avocado)…you say this and point to things. I really wish I knew what you were saying.
TEETH: You have 4 top teeth now, plus a back molar on top, making a grand total of SEVEN! I LOVE your new smile with teeth. I prefer your toothy smile over your gummy smile. You look like such a boy. It’s adorable. Maybe because you still have very little hair (look bald in pictures), your teeth age you a little.
BEHAVIOR: A big change in the last 3 months has been your sneaky behavior. You will hide from us if you’re in trouble. You’ll run to a corner and put your back to the wall if we’re coming to get you because you have something you shouldn’t. And you run, literally run, when you’re trying to get away from us. It’s really funny and amazing how smart sneaky you are at such a young age.
FUNNY: You are funny…I mean really funny! Everyone you entertain agrees. It will be interesting to see if you develop into this same behavior as you are older considering your dad and I rather laugh at jokes than tell them. You have this look (in pictures below and in previous letters) that is just hilarious! I really should have video taped it more and posted it to youtube. I’m sure we could have profited off it! You dance to any and all music. Even when I beat box…that’s right, you’re mom was that cool! I could watch you dance all day! You laugh at your own stunts. For example, you’ll throw something off your high chair and think it’s hilarious. If we laugh at something you do, you immediately do that same thing and laugh at yourself afterwards.
SPORTS?: I got you this inflatable t-ball set. You have now mastered how to set the ball on the tee, grab the bat (at the wrong end though), swing and hit the ball off the tee, and throw the bat on the ground. Then you cheer for yourself. Daddy is trying to teach you to run after you hit it. You also have continued to kick the soccer ball (and the inflatable baseballs) around the house. You seriously are getting really good at it. One of your kicks had air underneath it. It was awesome. You actually wind up and kick as opposed to walking into it, well kind of. What a stud! I’m absolutely counting down the years until you can play organized sports!
KISSES: You give kisses and hugs all the time now and it MELTS.MY.HEART! You are super sweet!
Here are a TON of pictures that show what you’ve been up to the last three months:
One Year Photo Session
Play date with Harper
Shopping at Target and helping me eat my pumpkin bread!
Till next month!
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