How far along? 39 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 36 pounds total (2 pounds this week)…hello swelling
How big is baby? Size of a watermelon. He’s probably able to flex his limbs now. His brain is still rapidly developing. This is the most amazing thing to me about how a baby grows inside a woman. And his nails may extend past his fingertips.
Stretch marks? Like I said last week, I got 3 small stretch marks on my side. Boo! I’m hoping these fade or go away completely afterwards.
Sleep? Sleep sucks right now! Toss and turn all night. And when I wake up, I have extremely sore hands, shoulders, and outer thighs. I’m actually looking forward to the waking every 2-3 hours because at least I’ll be sleeping in between.
Fitness? I wanted to go for a walk the other night with B and I couldn’t…I had no shoes to walk in.
Best moment this week? We had a day of fun with Beckham on Friday. It was just our little family and it was great! Also, I enjoyed hearing that I was 2 cm and 40% effaced. Hoping for more progression on Tuesday.
Miss anything? Yes, pretty much everything.
Food cravings? Nothing new.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Current Symptoms? Major ones are swelling and contractions.
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Mood? A little on edge when I’m not feeling well, but actually pretty chill. My shop is closed and Ryan is home during the day so I’m actually VERY relaxed. Ryan has really been taking care of B lately, taking him to the park, playing with him on the floor, bath, etc. I feel totally helpless, which is another reason, I can’t wait to have the baby!
39 Weeks Pregnancy #2 Update
Well, I’m even more shocked to be posting this update! This little man has been cooking 4 days longer than Beckham so far. I have an appointment with MY DOCTOR on Tuesday (he’s been gone since June 1), which means I would like to make it till then. As much as I want this baby OUT, I want MY doctor to deliver him. So the good news is, my doctor will most likely be here when I deliver (hopefully increasing my chances of a VBAC). Bad news is, this baby has had a lot longer to get bigger, making it harder to deliver vaginally. He was already a “big baby” according to the doctors 2 weeks ago. Now he’s even bigger. His head length was over 11cm last sonogram. Yikes! And his estimated due date based on “average ultrasound age” was 6/13/2014. So, I’m obviously having a larger than average baby and I’m not gonna lie, that combined with my “small pelvis” (doc’s words), makes me a little scared of this process. Time will tell and I’m just excited to meet him and start feeling normal again.
Two biggest symptoms this week are CONTRACTIONS and SWOLLEN HANDS. This false labor is driving me nuts. Tuesday was pretty bad with having them ALL day long. And they were pretty uncomfortable yesterday as well, happening off and on all day. I actually started to time them, but everything was so irregular! They kept me on the sofa for most of the day, including a 2 hour nap! And my hands, especially my left, can’t make a fist. Feels like I bruised my knuckles.
Beckham didn’t want to take a picture with me this morning 🙁 And I have no comparison picture from Pregnancy #1, as B was already 4 days old! But, like I said in the beginning of this pregnancy, my body likes to swell, especially in areas that cannot be covered like my face, hands, and feet. So check out this comparison.
I actually can’t believe I just voluntarily posted this comparison of how large I’ve become, but just keepin’ it real! This actually makes me very happy to know that I will hopefully look normal again…after a few months of being so swollen, you almost forget what that’s like. Here’s another just from Week 20…
I’ll update this post after my appointment if anything new is going on. Praying this is the last update until baby is born!
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Lauryn Roth says
ahh you look adorable, cant wait to see baby #2!!! excited for u!!