How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 26 pounds total (2 pounds this week)
How big is baby? Size of a squash. Weighs about 2.5-3.8 pounds…feels much larger! He’s head down getting ready for his decent.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep? Officially stinks. Not only do I go to bed late, I wake up 1-2 times to use the restroom and wake up sore! My shoulders and hips are sore. All this extra weight is taking its toll. My eyes water all day due to being tired. Ironically, I’m looking forward to sleep when this baby comes (I’m closing shop for a while, so it will actually be some down time).
Fitness? Not officially at the gym. I still consider my obsessive cleaning and RUNNING after the fastest toddler I know, exercise. I’m serious about how fast he is. People comment a lot about it…probably because they get to witness him running away from me. He’s quite obedient the stinker.
Best moment this week? Finally made a decision on his curtains and some other decor. This was about to put me in labor. If you’re looking for white blackout curtains (that actually black out light), they do not exist. I am making due and I hope they turn out fine.
Miss anything? I miss bending down to pick something up without holding my breath or squishing a tiny human inside. I miss being more energetic and being able to keep up with B.
Food cravings? Not really craving anything specific! I still want soda, but also lots of water! I don’t have a huge appetite right now…well some days.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Current Symptoms? Swelling like crazy. My feet are horrible at night. Baby’s movements are starting to hurt.
Belly button in or out? Slightly out.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Mood? Emotional! Like really emotional this week…poor Ryan. Let me just say that I feel for anyone who delivered during summer in Texas. I’m BURNING up and really have no way of getting cooler and we’ve only reached the 90’s so far! The last thing a swollen, pale, pregnant lady wants to wear is shorts and a tank. Hopefully when the 100+ degree heat gets here, I’ll have 20 less pounds on me.
32 Weeks Pregnancy #2 Update
I’m always almost the next week by the time I get to writing this. So much nesting is going on around here! I feel like I’m checking off some major things and telling myself to let go of others. If I look back on what I’ve accomplished in the 4 months of this year, it’s pretty amazing! So I’ll concentrate on that. Going through all of Beckham’s old stuff is really getting me excited to meet this baby. What will he look like? Will he be as good of a baby as Beckham? I hope so…B took a bottle early on, exclusively had breast milk from 0-6 months and through a year with solids, slept 5 hours within days of bringing him home (probably all the drugs I was on though), rarely cried for no reason, and was a great sleeper. I rarely hear of two babies being the same, so I’m a little scared this one will be harder as a newborn. Here I am at 32 weeks!
My little love! He’s gearing up to meet his brother. If I can get him potty-trained and sleeping in a toddler bed in a few weeks, I will definitely consider myself awesome! I have no desire, but skimming down on his diapers would be nice.
We have a super busy weekend planned with Mother’s Day AND Ryan’s birthday.
And here’s a comparison:
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Ashley Burns says
I think your second will be just as good as Beckham. I was so worried my second would be the opposite of my first daughter. My first slept through the night at 3 months, took boob or bottle without concern, and had no reflux or colic or anything. My second is 2 months now and she seems to be as easy as her sister. Plus, the second time around with a newborn is way less stressful. I think the combination of good baby genes and a more relaxed and experienced mama will make for another great baby for you! Can't wait to read all about your new little man!