How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 18 pounds total (3 pounds this week)
How big is baby? Size of rutabaga (I don’t even know what that is). Baby is breathing amniotic fluid and showing brain activity.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep? Sleeping with a body pillow now.
Fitness? Nope, just wrangling a toddler.
Best moment this week? Listening to the heart beat! Although his movements are uncomfortable, it’s always cool to feel a human inside your body moving around. What a miracle!!!
Miss anything? Energy and comfort.
Food cravings? Anything I don’t have to cook. Water and english muffins with peanut butter!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Lack of sleep.
Current Symptoms? Heartburn, fatigue, swelling, and body preparations in order to feed baby ;).
Belly button in or out? Flat before a meal, Out after a meal.
Wedding rings on or off? Off…don’t think I could get them on easily anyway. I HATE not wearing them!
Mood? Tired!
27 Weeks Pregnancy #2 Update
That about sums up my pregnancy as of late. I cannot explain the exhaustion I’m experiencing. I’ll pass out mid-day and still be tired at night. My eyes sting pretty much all day long. They water constantly. And I have headaches, which feel like fatigue headaches.
Up until now I would have categorized my pregnancies as “easy-going” because I didn’t physically throw up or have crazy symptoms. BUT, I no longer think that. I don’t give enough credit to the incredibly difficult symptom of fatigue! There is a reason sleep deprivation is one of the worst forms of torture. Lack of sleep does crazy things to your body. I cannot seem to get more than 5-6 hours and even if I do, I still feel the same. I don’t want to cook, I don’t want to workout, I can only really keep the house picked up (not clean it) and take care of Beckham. I feel bad I’m not exercising or eating good foods all the time…poor baby.
Last week I started swelling a little bit. Haha…it’s no longer a “little bit.” I’m full on swelling. If you remember, I swelled up REALLY bad towards the end of pregnancy #1, so I’m pretty nervous about what I will end up looking like in the next several weeks, considering I have quite a ways to go till the end. And I’m one of the lucky ones who swells in my flipping face too. I looked like a chipmunk. I’m picturing Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Awesome, right?
I started using the body pillow this week because my back started hurting when I woke up. It has helped tremendously. I keep telling myself, there is a healthy baby inside and I am thankful for that despite the difficulties of pregnancy. All the symptoms that come along with growing a human inside my body are well worth it! I’m already in love with him and can’t wait to have his tiny fingers wrap around mine.
I went to the doctor today for my 28 week appointment (I’m between 27-28 weeks). I had to do the glucose screening to check for diabetes and get another Rhogam shot. Baby’s heartbeat was in the 160’s. Doc tried to see if baby was in head down position, but he couldn’t be 100% positive. I did learn that last sono appt (20 weeks), he was head down. Praying for a head down baby!
This photo cracks me up. I was taking these photos myself and Beckham kept standing in front of the door when I was setting up my camera and posing like this. I gave him no instruction to do this. I seriously can’t handle it. What a ham!
Swollen ankles! I have the teeniest, tiniest ankles, so this is huge for me.
I laid down on the couch and Beckham kept saying “up mommy” so I’d get up. I told him I was tired and my tummy hurt. So he crawled up on the couch and laid down on me to make me feel better. Heart.melting.
And here I am at 27 weeks with B:
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Tab & Erika says
Oh no!!! Being pregnant is hard enough…but being exhausted and pregnant is horrible!! Hope you get some rest this week!!! You are the cutest pregnant girl ever!!
joyfullyprudent says
Thank you Erika! That is so sweet…already looking forward to getting fit again!
Jessica says
I'm 30 weeks and SO glad someone else feels like cooking is the most exhausting thing ever! I feel guilty i'm not cooking real meals, but it's just so dang hard!
joyfullyprudent says
I know right. Well, I figure a few months of me slacking on cooking won't hurt anyone…I mean I am cooking up a little human too…much more important 🙂
Sara says
You look great, even if you don't feel like it! TED hose really helped keep my swelling down with my 2nd pregnancy. Hose on and feet up. Hard to do with a toddler-but it did help. I know a few times I slept with them on-not sure if that is a doctor approved method, but it worked for me. Good luck!