Beckham turns 4 tomorrow and I am PUMPED! He really is getting so big and turning into a kid. The best thing about a 4 year old is the conversations. This kid is so funny! He lacks no personality. His expressions are priceless. I’ll get into more about him tomorrow, but I wanted to document how we celebrated!
I decided to go really low key this year and do a “Park Party.” Have the kids play at the park and have some pizza, juice, and cupcakes! About a week before his party, lost of rain was forecasted for that day. It has been BEAUTIFUL lately, but random days of rain. Monday happened to be rain. Here were his cute invites.
BUT, we ended up at McDonalds! I was nervous it was going to be crowded and a huge disaster, but it all ended up great! Y’all, I saved so much money this birthday. It’s no secret, I love to host parties and will spend good money to entertain. That is one place I’m not good at being frugal! So this was pretty cool to do on a low budget.
I bought each kid a Happy Meal and brought cupcakes! I made the cupcakes so it only cost me $6 for those. It cost a total of $33 for the Happy Meals! And free to have it there. I just called the manager and he reserved a table for me. The only other cost was party favors (Paw Patrol mask, Play-dough, and a couple suckers we already had). I kept the guest list fairly small for this exact reason of possibly doing Plan B. Being on a Monday obviously eliminated a couple of his friends, but majority of them are kids who are home with mom most of the time (since that’s who we hang with a lot).
We kept the same time so that they could play first before the lunch crowd hit. It was perfect. There were a few people there with their kids…I really wanted to go up to them and apologize for being there…I’m sure they were annoyed. 🙂
Beckham really had such a great time and just loved playing with his friends and eating cupcakes! He tore through his presents like a Tasmanian devil (anyone else feel like gift opening should be a class for kids…so many life lessons to teach through that process) 🙂 We are so grateful for our friends who took time out of their day to come celebrate with us!
Sidenote: Maddox was so fun to watch during this party. He totally thought he was one of the 4 year olds. He climbed right up to the table, sat with everyone, ate his food (and didn’t get down at all), demolished his cupcake, and looked as if he was “participating” in the conversation! It was great! Ryan was able to come during his lunch break which was cool and Glenna (MIL) came which helped a ton with Maddox while I was “hosting.”
Since the McDonalds party was a friends party and we still like to celebrate with family, I hosted my family at my house the Sunday beforehand. I had everyone over for chili, the Cowboys game, and cake! I love my family and so glad we got to just hang out. We always find excuses to hang out!
We had a great time celebrating Beckham! We’ll continue the celebrating tomorrow!
Hillary s. says
Happy birthday to Beckham! He's such a cutie!
kimm atwood says
Happy birthday beckham
Jen says
Cute party!! Love the simplified approach!